A record number of 11 100 applicants applied to BI's bachelor and master programmes in fall 2013

As the only Norwegian school, BI was accredited by AMBA in 2013.

BI Norwegian Business School's academic clusters are its most important strategic resource

Throughout 2013, BI Norwegian Business School has reached important milestones on its journey toward a position as one of Europe's leading business schools.

In 2013, the Board of Trustees has seen the results of a goal-oriented strategy for the 2010-2014 period.

Read more about BI in 2013

Programmes and students

BI Norwegian Business School offers bachelor programmes for thousands of talented young people and lift the best of them further up through demanding master programmes.

By the end of 2013 the number of students at BI was 19 649.

More about programmes and students

Infografikk studier og studenter



BI Norwegian Business School started its own doctoral programme in 1998. 2013 marked a milestone in the defence of the 100th BI doctoral thesis. The departments recruited 14 research fellows from seven different countries in 2013.


A summary of BI researchers' contributions to international periodicals from 1990 until today shows that BI has a strong presence compared with our Nordic competitors within our prioritised disciplines.

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President's foreword


Annual result

In 2013, BI Norwegian Business School achieved a total turnover of MNOK 1 395, compared to MNOK 1 350 in the previous year, giving an increase of three per cent.

More about the annual result

Organisation and employees

At the end of 2013 BI had a total of 831 employees, 412 of whom were administrative staff and 419 faculty ...

More about organisation and employees

The Board of Trustees

BI Norwegian Business School is a self-owned foundation which is lead by a board of eight trustees, four of whom are external representatives.

More about The Board of Trustees