BI’s 419 faculty members are organised into eight departments, and there are 26 research centres linked to these departments.
BI Norwegian Business School started its own doctoral programme in 1998. 2013 marked a milestone in the defence of the 100th BI doctoral thesis. The departments recruited 14 research fellows from seven different countries in 2013.
142 of BI’s academic staff achieved scientific publication in the form of articles in national or international peer-reviewed journals or in the form of scientific monographs or articles in scientific anthologies. 183 articles were published in scientific periodicals with peer review, 54 chapters in scientific anthologies and 4 scientific monographs. This gave BI 180,5 publication points according to the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions’ model for how to measure scientific production. This represents a 18,5 % decline from (the record year) 2012 (221.5).
BI delivers current and relevant research into business-critical areas
A summary of BI researchers' contributions to international periodicals from 1990 until today shows that BI has a strong presence compared with our Nordic competitors within our prioritised disciplines.
Richard Priestley, professor and head of the Department of Financial Economics, was awarded BI Norwegian Business School's Research Award for 2013. He received the award for world-class financial research, and for his contributions toward developing the academic strength of his department.
BI Norwegian Business School and NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) have collaborated through the Norwegian Research School in Innovation (NORSI) to educate future innovation researchers in Norway. The objective is to create a world-class researcher education in order to secure the necessary expertise within innovation research.